"Puljak is the best tool for chainlink that we have discovered. Sped up our jobs by 25%! Won’t do chainlink without." Backyard Border Fence Co Llc.
"It's the hired hand you don't have to fight with" Brian Murray Fencing, Annapolis Royale, Nova Scotia Canada
"Can't be a Fenceman without a Puljak" Frank M., Youngstown Fence, Youngstown, OH
"I don't know what I'd do without these Puljaks!" Ben K., Project Manager, Caron Fence, Faribault, MN
"Not every tool can serve as a third hand, but the A 2-1/2 PULJAK does just that for Rio Grande Fence Co. of Nashville. When you pull a tension bar with the PULJAK, you can just leave it in place and your hands are free to install tension bands with ease. When installing a small fence panel with no room for a stretcher bar and ratchet puller, a PULJAK is our essential tool for the job because it makes the wire nice and tight. A PULJAK is a must have tool for our company's commercial fence professionals."
Scottie Eggers, Project Manager
Rio Grande Fence Co. of Nashville
The Commercial Fence Professionals™
2013 and 2015 AFA National Fence Contractor of the Year
"The Puljak stretches any gauge with ease. Will pull up to 40' of slack and you are not likely to grunt once in the process. Good for any gauge. Grind tip for 1" mesh. Frees hands for bolting. I put up fence for 5 years before I owned one of these. Now I would rather chew chain link for lack of pliers before I do without the Puljak."
Chad Hoover,
Hoover Fence Co.
Newtown Falls, OH
Courtesy of: Hooks Fence Company, Boaz, AL (256) 593-4212
Courtesy of: Hooks Fence Company, Boaz, AL (256) 593-4212
PULJAK Company manufactures the PULJAK 4-way fence tool. Fondly known as the 'Fenceman's Friend' the PULJAK allows individuals to lift, pull, align and stretch chain link fence and gates. Proudly made in the USA, you can rely on the PULJAK for your fence and gate installation needs. PULJAK® is a registered trademark of Centennial Fence Supply.
since 1958
Our customers provide great feedback and support of the quality and craftsmanship involved in the PULJAK tools.